The production of a movie brings together different aspects of film making such as cinematography, script writing, casting and set location/design. Making a movie is a complex process regardless of the budget. There are various elements a production team must coordinate to successfully get a movie from pre-production to a theatrical/streaming release.
其他通路: Spotify, Apple Podcast, YouTube and SoundOn 聲浪
參考文章: The Fare Star Brinna Kelly Talks Filmmaking, The Twilight Zone, and Brent Spiner
Show Quotes
If I say I spent a pretty penny on a car, it’s not gonna be a rust bucket.
We only had six days to shoot the entire movie, which meant we couldn’t do more than a couple of takes per setup. -Brinna Kelly, Director of The Fare, 2019.
Box office refers to what the movie makes, the dollar amount upon its theratrical release, although now we also tal about streaming views as well.
Show Notes
Instagram Fluent Friends Podcast 福英
00:36 High budget movies 高預算電影
01:30 Where does the money go? 錢花哪裡
04:11 What are pyrotechnics? 何謂煙火特技
05:31 Engineering plays a role 工程設計的重要
07:20 Low budget movies 低預算電影
08:01 Creative direction 藝術指導
10:02 Time constraints 時間限制
12:19 Indie movies 獨立製片電影
13:40 Low budget recommendations 低預算電影推薦
15:03 Vocab Recap 單字回顧
Vocabulary Recap
Crew 團隊
Big names 大明星;No names 小明星
Box office 票房
Miniature 迷你模型
A huge hit 高票房、好評電影
Take (n) 拍某個鏡頭或畫面稱為一個 take
Touch base 談論、說到某事;聯繫
Make a pretty penny 諺語指賺不少錢
Vaviable (n) 變數
Pyrotechnics (n) 煙火特技
Stunt doubles (n) 特技替身
Historically accurate/inaccurate (不)符合真實歷史
Improvisation (n) 即興發揮
Develop chemistry 培養默契
Fall under the same category 屬於同個類別
Let you in on something. 讓你知道一件事情(通常秘密)
Wear many hats 一飾多角
#福英S1E4 ● 18 min ● Movie Production 電影製片與成本